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The Team Behind Avatary

Posted on June 30th 2021

The Avatary Team

The team behind Avatary consists of three young students, who want to change the world by providing a new and innovative way of creating profile pictures.

The three founders created the Avatary company in the year 2021 and started their first attempts with only one early prototypical template. In the following section these three caballeros will be listed and introduced in a short video each.


First of all we have Domi, our tech guy who is responsible for the backend development of the avatary creator itself. He manages the programming of the whole website and has the practial vision for ist general structure. This man is the reason everything works so smoothly together!

Regarding his background in IT development and programming, Domi brings his specialized knowledge into the team. Are there any technical difficulties, he is the person who knows exactly what to do.


Chris is the creative guy behind Avatary. As the heart of the team he is keeping the creator and the website interesting by steadily creating new designs, templates and assets.

A userfriendly interface and a pleasing user exerience is his inner urge and regarding his design background, Chris is also involved in the frontend development of the website.

Through his experiences in several companies, Chris became an excellent designer and artist, who brings a special uniqueness to the different Avatary templates. If you have any idea for new template or asset designs, he is the person you can contact regarding this topic.


The last of the trio is Philipp. He is our marketing guy who is responsible for the social media content and everything regarding new trends and buzz. With his economics background from several companies he knows how to manage a business and what marketing is all about.

Overall you can say, Philipp is on the one hand responsible for you - the Avatary community, on the other hand he handles the finances and the business part of the company. If you want to cooperate with us or have any question about our legal terms, feel free to contact him regarding this topic.

All together we are the Avatary Team, who all share the same goal of bringing you extraordinary profile pictures in a new and creative way. Visit our official About Us Page to find out more about our individual reasons why we are so invested in Avatary.

The Avatary Team

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